Thursday, February 23, 2012

Monday Matters 17

Mari Best talks about the issue of students not getting enough sleep now a days. Due to increased stress, and homework, many kids are sacrificing their sleep as they get older in order to get things done. While kids in elementary school seemed to be okay, by the time they reach the end of middle school/the beginning of high school, the less sleep they get. This is contradictory, because in order for kids to be able to function and learn to the best of their ability during class, sleep is essential. Yet, it is the the stress of these classes, that are causing the lack of sleep for many. This could be an interesting area of research because I know many stevenson students who do not sleep willingly, in order to participate in as many clubs and AP classes as possible. All nighters and caffeine are second nature to many of my friends, which is unhealthy. I think it's a problem that students sacrifice their health for grades.

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