The above image was taken in Haiti. It's a picture of demonstrators protesting the UN relief cause in their country. Their president is about to speak at a UN general assembly in New York. They blame this relief cause to have brought disease and rape into their country.
This photo comes across as chaotic and cluttered with people all over the place. This helps to demonstrate how this problem in Haiti is chaotic. The arm going down the center of the photo obstructs the view of the on looker a little bit. Their problems in Haiti aren't being seen. Anyone who heard of this relief effort wouldn't think that it has brought all of these problems into Haiti that are hurting them even more. The fact that this whole picture is a reflection in a mirror gets across the overall main argument. The people of Haiti aren't being listened to properly. A relief effort is supposed to benefit their country, but it isn't. It's ironic because the thing that was created to help them is just hurting them and pulling them down even more. Mirrors show things for what they are. This picture is showing Haiti's current state for what it is, and the relief effort for what it is. It's displaying the chaotic status of the country and angered state of the people. Even if the relief effort was meant to help, this is what it is actually doing.
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